Year 2 2024 - 2025

Miss Sixsmith

Miss Sixsmith

Miss Arrowsmith

Mrs Smith

Mrs Smith


Welcome to Year 2!

In Year 2 we are busy learning and growing in independence ready to enter KS2.

What we are learning this term
In the Autumn term, Year 2 will be exploring the topic 'What makes a community?' and learning through the concepts of community and identity. This topic builds on the learning they did about themselves and their family in Year 1. It looks into the past at experiences of others to include the Great Fire of London.
During Spring Term, Year 2 will be considering "How can we show courage?" whilst really focusing on the key concepts of courage and power. These concepts will underpin all subjects in the curriculum and will also help the children to understand the actions and drive of key figures in history. We are also very excited that our residential to Delamere is just around the corner. The children will enjoy hill walking, pond dipping, creating art in nature, a night walk and will grow in confidence and independence. 
In the Summer Term, the children study the history of the Titanic and consider the concepts of choices and change through the question "Can our actions change the world?". The children will also extend their Geography knowledge by looking 'Over the Water' at continents. 

Please check the school newsletter for our PE days. The children should come to school wearing their PE kit on these days. Our school PE kit is a white polo shirt and black shorts with black trainers or pumps. As the weather gets colder, the children are welcome to wear black jogging bottoms and a black jumper/their red school jumper.

Please send reading books in every day so we have the opportunity to read in school (Books will be changed on a Tuesday and Friday if they have finished their book). Reading is extremely important in our development! We will also be sending home a book from our class library every Friday for you to read with your child (they will have a share with me sticker on them).

Homework will include reading and spelling work.
If you have any questions then please get in touch via email or Class Dojo

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Rossmore School

Red Lion Lane, Little Sutton,

Ellesmere Port, CH66 1HF

0151 329 3688

Headteacher: Mrs S E Davis-McCoy