School Governors
Part of the role of the Governing Body is to be accountable for standards in the school and for the value for money the school provides. In order to fulil these roles, the Governors at Rossmore School are involved in providing the strategic direction of the school and monitoring the progress towards the desired goals. This involves:
- Updating the SEF at the Leadership and Management meetings
- Discussing prioritisation of objectives in the key area that form the SSDP
- Having a monitoring role
- Being involved in evaluation of impact of actions
We recognise that most Governors have a limited amount of time to give to the role. It is necesary, therefore, to have systems and procedures that allow Governors to be involved and informed in a mangeable and sustainable way.
Governors' Involvement in Monitoring
- Governors are divided across the three Leadership teams
- The Governor makes links with the lead person and all other members of the team, who then work together to address initiatives/priorities. Progress over the year is discussed and monitored
- Feedback is then made to the full Governing Body, either termly or annually
- This method helps to keep workload manageable, but provides a systematic process that keeps Governors informed of progress and impact of the various priorities in the school development plan
Governors' Involvement in Evaluation
One of the most important things that Governors do is evaluate impact. This evaluation process allows Governors to become more informed about:
- The work of the school
- How well the school is doing
- The barrier and constraints that the school faces
- The school's capacity for change and development
Meet the Rossmore School Governors
Chair of Governors - Mr T Williams
I was originally a Parent Governor as my three daughters all attended Rossmore School. I grew up, work and live locally and take a keen interest in Rossmore School being seen as a Community School, which delivers a safe, enjoyable and progressive education for its pupils.
Vice Chair of Governors- Mrs J Rich
I initially became a parent governor of Rossmore School when my children commenced their educational journey, and I wanted to find out how I could help them. I have been a governor for over 25 years as Chair and am presently Vice Chair. I was also a Governor of Neston High School during my children’s' secondary education. I have now retired from nursing and commenced a teaching programme called Passion for Learning, which helps children gain pleasure through reading and play.
Local Authority Governor- Miss J Kerwin (pending pen picture)
Parent Governor- Mr D Williams (pending pen picture)
Associate Member- Mrs B Bouckley
I have worked as part of the Governing Body for 6 years, 5 of those years as a Teacher Governor and more recently as an Associate member. Having attended Rossmore School as a child, I have great passion and drive in ensuring that the education provided here is one of the best. I am currently Deputy Head Teacher at Rossmore School whilst also acting as Head Teacher two days a week. I am also SENDCo and Deputy Safeguarding Lead, working closely with some of the most vulnerable families in the community.
Co-opted Governor - Miss H Dunn
Having worked at Rossmore School for 5 and a half years as the Administrative Officer, I was keen to re-join the school community by becoming a Co-opted Governor. I am now working within the Education Department at Cheshire West and Chester Council, which is giving me an insight in to how the Council supports schools and the challenges they face.
Co-opted Governor - Mr M Poole
My name is Mark Poole and I have a wealth of experience within Education and School Sport spanning over 25 years across CWAC. hope my skill-set and experience working in many Schools can bring something valuable to the board here at Rossmore. I look forward to working closely with the current leadership of the school in my role as Co-Opted Governor.
Staff Governor - Mr M Billinge
I am a teacher at Rossmore school and lead Science and Music. I chose to become a governor because I am passionate about helping to provide a high-quality education for children and young people at Rossmore School. I want to help to provide every child with as many opportunities and experiences as possible in order to help them to become confident, happy and skilled individuals.