Year 5 2024 - 2025
Miss Booth
Miss Howarth
Welcome to Year 5! In year 5 Miss Booth
In Autumn term Year 5 will be exploring the question 'Do we need to protect everything around us?'. We will use our concepts of 'identity' and 'community' to learn about places around us that need protecting and things we can do to help.
In Spring Term we will think about 'Is power always a good thing?'. We will be exploring our concepts 'power' and 'courage' through our topics on the Anglo-Saxons and Scots.
In the Summer term, the children will consider the question 'Can everyone make a difference?'. During this term, the children will explore the concepts 'choices' and 'change' through learning about the Mayans in History and Materials in Science.
If you have any questions then please get in touch via email or class dojo.