Pastoral Support
Miss L Macey
Safeguarding, Pastoral and Inclusion Lead
The Role of the Safeguarding, Pastoral and Inclusion Lead (SPIL) at Rossmore School
Hi, I'm Miss Macey and my job here at Rossmore is to make sure all children feel safe and happy and able to meet their potential. This includes supporting and promoting good attendance and punctuality; offering support for families and children with their emotional well-being, and the celebration and promotion of inclusion.
Inclusion is about positively striving to meet the needs of different people and creating an environment where everyone feels respected and able to achieve their full potential.
It is important that children feel they belong, are engaged and connected. Rossmore is a school that celebrates all people, irrespective of race, gender, disability or other attribute which can be perceived as different.
The intervention provided to the pupils will take place in a variety of forms depending on the needs of the child for example:
- zones of regulation sessions
- anxiety management sessions
- bereavement/ trauma support sessions
- support with family changes and/ or separation
- social skills groups
- sibling relationship sesssions
- self-esteem development sessions
- self-identity sessions
- nurture groups
- play therapy
To help signpost and support families, I also work with the following outside agencies
- Early Intervention and Support
- Catch22
- Housing
- Cheshire West and Chester SEN team
- Cheshire West and Cheshire Information Advice and Support Service
- Community Paediatrics
- The Autism Service
- Cheshire Young Carers
- West Cheshire Local Safeguarding Children Board
- The Samaritans
- Child Bereavement UK
If you have any worries or questions, please ring or call into school and I'd be very happy to discuss worries, concerns or ideas to best support you and your family.
Helpful links
ICON - Babies Cry, You Can Cope
NHS - Mental Wellbeing While Staying At Home
ReThink - Covid-19 advice and support
Mental Health UK - Covid-19 help and information
Supporting someone during Covid-19
Mind UK - Coronovirus and your well-being
What is Coronovirus? - fact sheet for kids
Children's guide to staying safe online
Parent's guide to digital safety
Coronovirus - A book for chldren
FACE COVID - looking after yourself
CAMHS Young People's Wellbeing Resource Pack
Coronovirus Advice for Parents - Cheshire West and Chester
COVID-19: Advice from young people
COVID-19 Anti-baddies resilience toolkit
COVID-19 Attachment Trauma Network
CWP Children and Young People's mental health resources
Advice and information from Dr Nadine Burke Harris, Paediatrcian
CWP Mental Health Resource Pack
RCPCH advice for parents when child unwell or injured